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「I find it hard to believe that the only option available to you at the time was violence. → We thought that sitting at home while your government committed genocide and doing nothing about it, that was violence.」「Would you do it again? → If I didn't have kids, and old parents that I love, Yeah, I would do it again. Smarter, better, different. We made mitakes, but we were right. People do what they have to do.」「Secrets are a dangerous thing. We all think we want to know them, but if you've kept one to yourself, you come to understand that doing so means that you may learn something about somebody else, but you also discover something about yourself. I hope you're ready for that.」这是一场横跨天界鬼族的大型诗会,诗歌内容皆摘抄自QQ空间. 鬼族网红玄女以咆哮体诗歌闻名业界,平时对着深渊咆哮我可怜的孩子. 天神夜华和上神白浅二人组成夫妻档,无论在青丘温泉,还是瀛洲荒原,彼此将爱的誓言深情朗诵,字字珠玑. 这场诗歌的饕餮盛宴震怒了天神,获胜者得到眼球,失败者掉进深渊. 《阴阳镇怪谈》是由程静波执导,陈昕编剧,孙熹之、陆文涛、邓诗韵主演,东阳奇树有鱼文化传媒有限公司申报的网络微短剧,于2024年1月6日在腾讯视频播出.